SCTW Moodle Test


Steffi Kirsche
Flashcards by Steffi Kirsche, updated more than 1 year ago
Steffi Kirsche
Created by Steffi Kirsche almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Research vs Development Research: search for something new and to provide the foundations for development activities Development: to implement something new -->provide new starting points for research
Basic Research vs Applied Research Basic Research: Expanding the knowledge base of a certain science discipline Applied Research: working on the solution of individual, often practical concerns through the targeted application of research results
Research and Development Process
Fundamental Types of Scientific Papers
Types of Scientific Papers
Document types and what to search for
Other technical documents
What do all scientific documents have in common?
Why literature research?
Scientific Publication Structure
What to look for: Suitability --> Analyse the boundary conditions
What to look for: Impact --> Analyse the environment
What to look for: Relevance -->Analyse the text
Research Question
Research Question – Clarity
Research Question – Focus
Create a Good Research Question
Front Matter
Structure - Title
Exercise – Title: Analysis (1) “The Internet of Things - A survey of topics and trends”
Exercise – Title: Analysis (2) “Introduction to indoor networking concepts and challenges in LiFi”
Exercise – Title: Analysis (3) “The effect of using ISAKMP and KINK together with SPI in the BTNS mode”
Exercise – Title: Analysis (4) “QUBiC4G: a f/sub T//f/sub max/ = 70/100 GHz 0.25 /spl mu/m low power SiGe-BiCMOS production technology with high quality passives for 12.5 Gb/s optical networking and emerging wireless applications up to 20 GHz”
Structure – Abstract
Abstract – Basic Components
Abstract – Common Problems
Body The body of a document contains all information and material necessary to fulfill explicit and implicit goals of the publication. It usually contains following sections:
Structure – Introduction / Background / Related Work
Analyse the Introduction of the paper “The Internet of Things—A survey of topics and trends” (available in Moodle)
Structure – Methodology
Structure – Results
Structure – Discussion and Conclusion
Structure – References
Summary on structure
Types of diagrams
Drawings and Photos -->Illustration -->For complex descriptions -->Really necessary?
Schematics and block diagrams -->Illustratre ---->signal flows ---->basic working principles -->Organisation into function blocks -->No direct image of reality
Signal flows
Tufte‘s rules
Graphical integrity
Data-ink ratio
Example for good data-ink ratio
Data density
Small multiples
Equation types
Variables, cross links, definitions
Why do you cite?
How do you cite?
Use Short and Exact Sentences
Common Mistakes 1
Common Mistakes 2
Common Mistakes 3
Statements in Your Paper
Figures and Tables
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