Social Ties


Flashcards on Social Ties, created by denise.goetsch on 07/06/2016.
Flashcards by denise.goetsch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by denise.goetsch over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Family Forms (1) Blended families a couple – married or not – and the children from previous relationships live together in one household.
Blended families - Advantages - children grow up with mum and dad - for girls it is easier to talk about their problems with a woman and for a boy is easier to talk with a man - the children can play or learn together - the families can broaden their horizons because the other family might have other values + interest
Blended families - Challenges - accepting the new "parent" and the new step-sibling - jealousy (Neid/Eifersucht)
Family Forms (2) single parent families one parent in the household who raises the children
single parent families advantages - the relationship between parent and kids is more intensive (or less) - single parent makes more trips (swimming, hiking,...) (or less) - the children get independent because they are alone sometimes
single parent families challenges - financial problems - must juggle work and home - must do the household alone
Family Forms (3) traditional families consist of a father, mother, one or more children and sometimes the grandparents
traditional families - Advantages - strong feeling of belonging somewhere - feeling of stability - grandparents can look after the children - when children have problems they can talk to mum and dad - children can play with their silblings
traditional families challenges - the generations live together - fights between the siblings - dad says yes to something and mum no - result problems
past-present-future - in the past there were a lot of traditional families - today there are many blended families because there are many divorces - in future there will be many single parents and also many blended families
What makes a family? - love - feeling of belonging - can talk about problems with all family members - spend the freetime together - everybody helps everyone - share same values
parenting - is the process of raising child - parents are responsible for the basic resources, protection of any harm, such as discrimination and violence and their social and emotional development - there are many types of parenting styles and methods
helicopter parents - attention to their children's experiences and problems - want to control and supervise all the things which happen in their children's life - they hover their kids
helicopter parents examples - bring the kids to school and also pick them up - control every step (phone, freetime) - they want to know everything (school, friends) - don`t allow dangerous things - spy on their kids
helicopter parents reasons - couples which were waiting long for a pregnancy and mothers which already lost a child tend to act in this way - people who want to have the control over everything fear/mistrust of "the world" - are obsessed that their kid becomes and gets the best
helicopter parenting how to avoid? - they should have more trust in their children - let them try out - give free space - let them make own chioces - let them make own experiences
free range parents (1) - parents think children need more trust, independence and freedom - kids should find out their own limits - children's self-confidence will rise - better to learn by mistakes - little supervision
free range parents examples (1) - children prefer to get hurt by riding a bike instead to not being allowed to try - parents allow their kids everything - dont look after their kids as tense as others
free range parents examples (2) - e.g. while they have a cup of tea at a restaurant, the kids would be allowed to run around outdoors, unsuoervised
free range parents reasons - parents want to raise their children to independent adults - young parents act in this way because they are still kids - parents with less time (job)
free range parenting how to avoid? - spend more time with their kids - they should make rules - talk about risks and dangerous
What makes good parents? - look after their kids - spend time together - talk about problems - feeling of belonging - find right belance between freespace and supervision
Teenage Pregnancy individual risk factors - drugs and alcohol - lack of knowledge about sex - having sex at a young age - being the victim of sexual abuse - lack of goals for the future
Teenage Pregnancy social risk factors - pressure from peers to have sex - dating older guys - friends who are sexually active - poor peer relationships
Teenage Pregnancy Family risk factors - poor parents supervision - less communication between parents and teen - negative family interactions - single-parent families - family history of teenage pregnancies
Teenage Pregnancy how to prevent - knowledge is the best weapon - necessary to talk about the different contraceptives - education in sexual matters - let them know who they can talk to e.g. which relative they can ask
Teenage Pregnancy how to help? - visit a doctor to confirm the pregnancy - talk with other teenager who has a baby - support the teenager - encourage to finish school
Teenage Pregnancy how to cope with the situation? (1) - tell your parents and the father of the child about the pregnancy - child father should have the chance to think about the situation
Teenage Pregnancy how to cope with the situation? (2) - when the father of the child leaves you alone you must get financial benefits from him - ask for help - accept help
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