PSYA1: Investigation design


A Level Psychology Mindmap am PSYA1: Investigation design, erstellt von ameliaisginger am 11/07/2013.
Mindmap von ameliaisginger, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ameliaisginger vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

PSYA1: Investigation design
  1. aims
    1. hypothesis
      1. directional
        1. non-directional
        2. experimental design
          1. independent groups
            1. repeated measures
              1. matched pairs
              2. design of naturalistic observations
                1. development and use of behavioural categories
                2. design of questionnaires and interviews
                  1. operationalisation of variables
                    1. independent
                      1. dependent
                      2. pilot studies
                        1. control of extraneous variables
                          1. reliability and validity
                            1. awareness of the BPS Code of Ethics
                              1. ethical issues
                                1. ways in which psychologists deal with them
                                2. selection of participants and sampling techniques
                                  1. random
                                    1. opportunity
                                      1. volunteer
                                      2. demand characteristics
                                        1. investigator effects
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