Film Studies


GCSE Film Studies Mindmap am Film Studies, erstellt von Z . am 20/01/2020.
Z .
Mindmap von Z ., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Z .
Erstellt von Z . vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Film Studies
  1. Framing
    1. Closed frame
      1. Character is in closed borders
        1. Objects restricting character
          1. Gives a sense of being restricted
            1. Focuses in on a subject
            2. Open frame
              1. No objects are impeding
                1. Usually in an open space like a field.
                  1. Usually requires context supplied by other shots
                2. Length of Shot
                  1. Extreme Long shot/ Establishing shot
                    1. Taken from afar
                      1. Normally shows the EXTERIOR
                        1. Little detail visible
                          1. Scene setting
                            1. Gives a general impression
                            2. Long shot
                              1. Approximately "life" size
                                1. Full shot of entire human being
                                  1. Establish Character
                                    1. Background detail to contextualize
                                    2. Medium shot
                                      1. Knees/waist up
                                        1. Two people to show relationship
                                          1. Minimal background detail
                                          2. Close up
                                            1. Concentrate on face or detail of mise en scene
                                              1. Magnifies- Shows importance
                                              2. Extreme Close up
                                                1. Magnifies beyond what human eye usually sees
                                              3. Camera Angles
                                                1. Overhead Shot
                                                  1. Directly Overhead
                                                    1. Godlike position
                                                      1. Makes people look ant-like
                                                        1. Part of wider scheme
                                                      2. High Angle
                                                        1. Not as extreme as overhead
                                                          1. Gives general overview
                                                            1. Makes object look less significant
                                                              1. Looked down on
                                                            2. Eye Level
                                                              1. As if person is actually observing
                                                                1. Fairly neutral
                                                                  1. Not as dramatic
                                                                  2. Low angle
                                                                    1. Background- Ceiling or sky
                                                                      1. Disorientates viewer
                                                                        1. Makes object look powerful
                                                                      2. Camera Techniques
                                                                        1. Fading
                                                                          1. Indicates end of scene
                                                                            1. Shot fades in or out of blackness
                                                                            2. Dissolve
                                                                              1. When 1 fades another comes in
                                                                                1. At midpoint both frames can be seen on screen.
                                                                                  1. Suggests close relationship
                                                                                    1. Indicates flashbacks, dreams/thoughts of characters
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                                                                                  ähnlicher Inhalt

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                                                                                  Film Exhibition
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                                                                                  Film Industry Exhibition Flashcards
                                                                                  Nicholas Girauld
                                                                                  Hot Fuzz Characters
                                                                                  Rebecca Cooling
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                                                                                  SECTION A
                                                                                  Mabel South
                                                                                  Film in Britain and America
                                                                                  Love Actually Characters
                                                                                  Rebecca Cooling
                                                                                  Camera Angles
                                                                                  Julia Castellani