How to approach the ABSTRACT REASONING on the UKCAT


Mindmap am How to approach the ABSTRACT REASONING on the UKCAT, erstellt von tdaramola am 23/07/2015.
Mindmap von tdaramola, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tdaramola vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How to approach the ABSTRACT REASONING on the UKCAT
  1. Type and size of the objects
    1. 1) Are all objects within the shape of the same type or different types?
      1. 2) Are some objects of the same size or are they all of different sizes
        1. 3) Is there one type of object that stands out in all shapes and could be a key object?
          1. 4) Is there an object which consistently appears in each shape but with different colours and could be a key object?
    2. Number of objects
      1. 1) Is the number of objects the same in all shapes?
        1. 2) Is the number of objects of one type the same in all shapes?
          1. 3) Is there a relative relationship between two different type of objects? e.g. number of white shapes= number of black shapes + 1
            1. 4) Is the number of objects of one type linked to feature of another object? e.g number of circles in one shape= number of sides in the other shape
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