

AS Psychology (PSYA2) Mindmap am Social, erstellt von erica28 am 18/03/2014.
Mindmap von erica28, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von erica28 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Types of Conformity
    1. Compliance - Change behaviour but not mind
      1. Internalisation - Change behaviour & mind
      2. Explanations of Conformity
        1. Normative Social Influence - To be liked
          1. Informative Social Influence - To be right
          2. Sherif (1935) - Autokinetic Effect - Will people conform to a group on an abiguous task. Ptps were asked hwo far the dot of light had moved. Procedure - They were aked this twice, alone and in a group. Half the ptp were asked in a group first and then alone, the other half alone and then in a group. Findings - he found that when asked alone first the ptp wpuld change their answer the second time to fit in with the group. However when asked in a group first they would stick to the groups answer when asked alone later.
            1. Informative Social Influence - To be right
            2. Asch (1955) - To investigate the extent to which individuals will conform to a majority who give obviously wrong answers. Procedure - lab experiment, repeated measures design, 123 male volunteers. Results- the control group had an error rate of only 0.04% (3 mistakes out of 720 trails, while on the twelve critical trails there was a 32% conformity rate to wrong answers. 75% of ptps conformed to at least one wrong answer (meaning 25% never conformed) 5% of ptp conformed to all 12 wrong answers. Evaluation - The suituation was unrealistic . It would be extremely rare to disagree someone over the correct answer.
              1. Normative Social Influence - To be liked
              2. Culture & Conformity
                1. Bond and Smith (1966) - To compare confomrity rates with Asch - hypo paradigm across different cultures and also at different times with are culture. The researchers performed a meta-analysis of 134 published replications of the Asch conformity effect, conducted within 17 different nations. Subsequently a similar meta-analysis was conducted on the 97 replications conducted within the USA. The within the USA studies slowed a district negative correlation between time of study and level of conformity , with a steady decline in conformity rates from the line of Asch in the 1950's. As predicted, independent cultures tended to slow lower rates of conformity than collectivist ones. A positive correlations was found between conformity rates and the size.
                2. Factors affecting conformity
                  1. 1. Conformity to social norms 2. Group size 3. Social support 4. Personality 5. Group Identity
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