Golden Age Of Stresseman


GCSE History Mindmap am Golden Age Of Stresseman, erstellt von George Donaghy am 15/11/2016.
George Donaghy
Mindmap von George Donaghy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
George Donaghy
Erstellt von George Donaghy vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Golden Age Of Stresseman
  1. Reparation Payments
    1. He helped solve the problem of the invasion of the ruhr and took out loans to help pay back reparations
    2. Currency
      1. he introduced a new currency to solve the issue of hyperinflation and the change in value
      2. Dawes and Young Plan
        1. The plans that he organised helped solve the issue of bankruptcy and not being able to pay back loans and reparations. He took out loans to pay back the allies
        2. with american loans new houses, roads and factorys were able to be builgt
          1. With revolts like hitlers he was able to get support of the army and police to crush these threats .
            1. Because of stressemans large support extremeist partys done badly at elections as the majority of the public were content
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