Pressure Groups


Govt&Pol Unit1 Mindmap am Pressure Groups, erstellt von bennevin26 am 09/05/2013.
Mindmap von bennevin26, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von bennevin26 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Pressure Groups
  1. What are they?
    1. An organization who seek to influence government over a small range of issues, however don't aim to gain political power
    2. Sectional
      1. Seek to represent the common interest of a particular section of society
        1. Members are directly concerned with the outcome as it often affects them
          1. Aim to get as many eligible people to join to increase their size
            1. Examples - NUT (National Union of Teachers)
            2. Promotional
              1. Represent a belief or principle and seek to act in the interest of that cause
                1. Anyone can join & by doing so, you accept the principle/belief
                  1. Achievements may not directly affect members
                  2. Insider
                    1. Groups that are regarded as legitimate by government
                      1. They have direct access to ministers so they therefore do not need to go through parliament or the media
                        1. Often sectional groups (as most public sector jobs are employed by govt)
                        2. Outsider
                          1. Either do not wish to be involved with government or would like to gain recognition from government but are unable to do so
                            1. Their cause may also be against government so therefore don't want to be associated with them
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                            ähnlicher Inhalt

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                            (4) Functions of a pressure group
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                            (7) How do Pressure Groups become more powerful
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                            (2) Classification of pressure groups
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                            (3) Main distinctions between parties and pressure groups
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                            (1) What is a pressure group?
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