Best fit graphs


Best practice
Tanya Byrne
Mindmap von Tanya Byrne, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tanya Byrne
Erstellt von Tanya Byrne vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Best fit graphs
  1. Good practice
    1. Title
      1. Labelled axes
        1. SI units
          1. Straight lines
            1. Reasonable divisions
            2. Gradient
              1. Rise over run
                1. Y2 - y1 over x2 - x1
                  1. Include units
                  2. Intercept - point at which line of best fit meets y axis vertical
                    1. Equation for Straight line
                      1. Y= mx + c
                        1. m = gradient (mountain)
                          1. C = interCept
                            1. Can also be written as b= mA +c
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