Autonomic Nervous System - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Autonomic Nervous System - created from Mind Map, erstellt von csavrick1 am 14/04/2014.
Notiz von csavrick1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Erstellt von csavrick1 vor etwa 10 Jahre
Zu Notiz kopiert von csavrick1 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Functions Visceral Motor Division of the PNS Visceral functions: Heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination

Neuron Organization Two Neuron Chain Preganglionic autonomic motor neuron Increases communication and control Neuronal Convergence Neuronal Divergence Preganglionic Axon Ganglionic autonomic motor neuron Postganglionic Axon mooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or glands

Divisions Parasympathetic Sympathetic Function Structure conserving energy and replenishing nutrient stores Rest and Digest Maintain homeostasis Craniosacral division Neurons Ganglion Cranial Outflow Sacral Outflow Occulomotor Facial Glossopharyngeal Vagus Pupil constriction increase production of tears, nasal secretions, and saliva Increased saliva production Abdominal Cavity Thoracic Cavity Increased smooth muscle contraction and secretory activity in digestive tract organs Increased mucous production, decrease diameter in airways, decrease heart rate, decrease force of heart contractions Pelvic splanchnic nerves Preganglionic Axons Postganglionic Axons Originate in the brainstem or lateral gray matter of the S2-S4 spinal cord segments Have less than 4 branches Long Short Terminal Ganglia Intramural Ganglia

Autonomic Nervous System

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