flash cards revision No.2


Karteikarten am flash cards revision No.2, erstellt von Abi Strutt am 13/12/2017.
Abi Strutt
Karteikarten von Abi Strutt, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Abi Strutt
Erstellt von Abi Strutt vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is an input device? An input device is a thing that you put an input into then it does something for you. E.G. a mouse.
What is a r.a.m? A r.a.m is a Random Access Memory device.
What is the most common reason for eye strain? Being too close to the computer screen.
What is an output device? An output device is a thing that does things to give an output like a printer outputs computer work into paper form.
What is a storage device? A storage device that stores things for you like work or files.
How many bits are in a binary number? 8
What 4 devices are needed to connect to the internet? internet, conversion station, exchange and router
What is the purpose of the motherboard? the motherboard is like the brain of the computer it controls all that happens in the computer
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