
Karteikarten am Ohne Titel, erstellt von Heidi Barber am 01/02/2015.
Heidi  Barber
Karteikarten von Heidi Barber, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Heidi  Barber
Erstellt von Heidi Barber vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
DIRECT ADRESS When a narrator or character speaks directly to the audience. This brings reality and diegesis together. This adds to the verisimilitude.
VOLUME CONTROL This is to a set mood or atmosphere, usually parallel with pace. Hyperbolic sound is used when the volume increases - e.g to create tension.
AMBIENT SOUND Background sound in diegesis. Does not have to be in field of vision.
SYNCHRONOUS SOUND When the sound is synchronised with the object of giving off the sound - for example; you can hear an alarm going of and see it.
ASYNCHROOUS SOUND When the soundtrack is deliberately out of sync with what we see. for example; a character has died in a scene, shot remains on them but you can hear the phone ring and go to answer machine (we cannot see the answer machine).
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