English for Nursing


Josué Ramírez
Karteikarten von Josué Ramírez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josué Ramírez
Erstellt von Josué Ramírez vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
administer (v) to give someone a drug or medical treatment
buzzer (n) a small electronic thing that makes a buzzing sound when you press it
bleed (v) to lose blood because of an injury
charge nurse (n) a nurse who is responsible for the work done in a particular part of a hospital
date of birth (DOB) (n) the day, month and year you were born on
deliver (v) to help a woman give birth to a baby
consultant (n) (British English) a doctor at a hospital who knows a lot about a particular area of medicine
dermatology (n) the part of medical science that deals with skin diseases
intake (n) the amount of food, drink, etc. that you take into your body
next of kin (n phr) the person who has the closest family relationship to you, for example, your husband, wife, or mother
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