Anti psycotic/Schiz


college Bio 36 Karteikarten am Anti psycotic/Schiz, erstellt von maxytrejo1 am 19/11/2013.
Karteikarten von maxytrejo1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von maxytrejo1 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Schiz. affects 1%, 2-3% have symptoms
Schiz. symptoms develp: slowley over months and years, many or few symptoms
character isitics of people with schiz. cant keep friends/jobs, anxiety, depression and sucidal thoughts/behaviors
first symptoms irritable/tense/cant concentrate or sleep,
1.Paranoid Schiz. anxiety, anger, arguing,false belief/harm themselvs or loved ones
2. Disorganized Schiz child like behavior, problems thinking and explaining ideas, show little emotion
3.Catatonic schiz grimacing/odd facial expression, lack of activity, rigid muscues/posture, so response to people
4. Undifferentiated Schiz symptoms of more than one schiz
Positive Symptoms thought disorder, halucinations, delusions: easiest to treat
1. Delusions of Persecution PS: false beliefs that people are plotting and consipiring against you
2. Delsuions of Grandeur PS: falsebelifs in your own power and importance. godlike power and special knowledge no one processes
3. Delusions of Control PS: related to delusions of persecution in a person belives they are being controlled, under a radar or radio planted in their head
Shciz have early problems with anxiety, depression and suicde
4. Halucinations voices/auditory hallucinations, comment on what they r doing, or insulting, or teing them what to do
Negative Symptoms 1.flattened emotional response, 2. poverty of speech, 3.lack of initiave, 4. persistence, 5.inabilty to express pleasure, withdrawl
Paranoid Disorginized, Catanomic all play into dopamine
What symptoms are most easiest to treat? positive symptoms
Effects on the Frontal Cortex decreased blood flow, shrunken
Ventricles enlarged, less cortical matter
What is simlar to schiz Bipolar and Maniac
Up until when was there no effective treatment : mid 1950s, insulin shock therapy was used
Chlorpromazine 1950s a drug desighned to work as an antihistmaine found to be effective fro treating schiz: reduces hallucinations, delusions, active, logical thoughts calmed(PS)
Haloperidol 1960s even more effective than Chloropromazine
What do both Chloropromazine and Haloperido (Antipsycotics) ? Block post synaptic DA receptors
Dopamin recpetors are? Metobotropic: G coupled
Cocain blocks the Reuptake of 5ht, Ne, Da- more NT in synapse
Cocaine Causes psychosis becuase of DA
Anti psycotoc drugs are? antagonists, block recpetors on the post synaptic
Auto receptor on the pre synaptic, also blcoked by the agonist: it reguled how much NT is released,how much it sends back to the pre synaptic
Anti psycotics block: Block DA, on the pre(auto) and post, to take out all the synapses
In some sense what is the cause of Schiz: "Da or DA receptors" Drugs that block dopamine receptors treat schiz:
Do schiz. have higher circulating levels of DA? NO
Schiz. have more_ D2 receptors and more extracellular DA than non Schizs
cocaine blocks Receptors meaning it floods the synapse with dopamine which means that high levels of cocaine cause: psycosis
Further problems with Schiz thinking, emotions and behavior: bizarre hallucination, isolation, no emotion, no attention, delusional, loose association
Types of Schiz: 1. Catatonic 2. Paranoid 3. Disorganized 4. Undifferntiated
DA path Sud.Nigra to Striatum VTA to NAcc. to PReferontal
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