Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Define role capabilities for a JEA endpoint


Karteikarten am Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Define role capabilities for a JEA endpoint, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 21/08/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The purpose of JEA is to limit the actions an admin can perform to only the ones that are required. How do you specify 'what' tasks can be performed on a JEA endpoint? Role Capability File
What extension do Role Capability Files have? .psrc
How do you create a new Role Capability File? Using the New-PSRoleCapabilityFile Cmdlet
When creating a Role Capability File, you define which Powershell functionalities are available. Which 5 configuration options are available to do this? - VisibleAliases - VisibleCmdlets - VisibleFunctions - VisibleExternalCommands - VisibleProviders
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