Phychopathology : Deffinitions of abnormality


includes definitions and evaluative points.
Karteikarten von tamber838, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tamber838 vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Definition of Abnormality: Statistical Deviation Numerically unusual behaviour or characteristic.
Definition of Abnormality: Deviation from Social Norms Social Judgement about what is acceptable.
Definition of Abnormality: Failure to Function Adequately Failing to cope with the demands of everyday life.
Definition of Abnormality: Deviation from Ideal Mental Health Jahoda considered normality rather than abnormality.
Three Evaluative Points for Statistical Deviation as a Definition of Abnormality. 1.Real life application 2.Unusual characteristics can be positive 3.Not everyone unusual benefits from a label
Three Evaluative Points for Deviation from Social Norms as a Definition of Abnormality 1.Not a sole explanation 2.Cultural Relativism 3.Can lead to human rights abuses
Three Evaluative Points for Failure to Function Adequately as a Definition of abnormality 1.Patients perspective 2.Is it different from deviation from social norms? 3.Subjective Judgements
Three Evaluative Points for Deviation from Ideal Mental Health as a Definition of Abnormality 1.Comprhensive definition 2.Cultural relativism 3.Universally high standard of mental health
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