English 103 - "The Very Old Man with the Enormous Wings" and "The Book of Sand"


Chemistry 101 English 103 Karteikarten am English 103 - "The Very Old Man with the Enormous Wings" and "The Book of Sand" , erstellt von jennabarnes12387 am 17/02/2014.
Karteikarten von jennabarnes12387, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jennabarnes12387 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How does the stories perspective describe the angel? We never know what the angel is thinking and it is stated that he had no part in his own act. It shows that he has no power over his life and others opinions overpower him
What is the contrast between the ordinary people and the angle. The angel is an extraordinary creature that is content with being ordinary while the ordinary people try to elevate themselves to the extraordinary.
The story is an example of magic realism. Why is that. There is a mingling of realistic and the fantastic and the supernatural has been naturalized.
How does the angel's appearance enhance the natural realism? He looked more like a bum then an angel, all dressed in rags, missing teeth, and old age. The magic seems to be missing.
How else does the story show how ordinary the fantastic is in the stories world? When the tarantula girl and described, neither she or the angel seem out of the ordinary. The people we curious but it seems perfectly logical to them that things like this happen.
The book of sand is also a story of magic realism. How does the writer try to take out the magic? He tries at first to describe the book in a logical, factual way, before deciding it is impossible.
The stranger is described as ordinary but how is he supernatural. His face is described as blurred, which is a supernatural characteristics perhaps caused by a spell.
The narrator continually tries to dismiss the supernatural. How does he do this? He blames the blurred features of the stranger on short sightedness. he also tries to describe the book based on what language its written in an in what time period to distract from the books obvious alien-ness
how are both stories related in therr dealings with the supernatural? both stories try to describe supernatural thing in a logical way
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