Behaviourism (Skinners theory )


A Levels health and social A2 Karteikarten am Behaviourism (Skinners theory ), erstellt von x-iram-x am 31/03/2014.
Karteikarten von x-iram-x, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von x-iram-x vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Operant Conditioning - Behaviour is learnt through a stimulus response method - Behaviourists believe that everything is learnt through a response to the environment we live in
Stimulus / response - A stimulus is what causes a reaction. The response is the affect a stimulus has - A response determines whether the behaviour is learnt and then repeated.
Skinners learning theory - Skinner believes behaviour was determined by the consequences of past behaviour "behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequence" Skinner
A reinforcement A consequence that strengthens behaviour or makes it more likely to be repeated
POSOTIVE reinforcement If behaviour carries a positive consequence, it is likely to be repeated
NEGATIVE reinforcement when behaviour is improved because something is removed from the person eg : child standing in rain - teacher lets them in.
PUNISHMENT When behaviour is leads to a negative consequence
Behaviour modification Behaviour modification extinguishes any unwanted behaviour so the person displays wnted behaviour. There are two aspects to this - identifying what's reinforcing unwanted behaviour - reinforce desired behaviour
Shaping first the child is given little attention when they are quite for a short time - then more attention when quitter for longer - then lengthy attention eventually
Token Economy token economy could be used to teach appropriate behaviour. This is often involves the use of charts or record sheets (used in schools)
Evaluation of theory Because behaviourists are only interested in what they can see, it means the way they carry out experiments is objective and reliable. HOWEVER it doesn't account for mental processes, doesn't think about the influences of genes on behaviour and its a too simplistic view of learning
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