Psychodynamic theory


A Levels health and social A2 Mind Map on Psychodynamic theory, created by x-iram-x on 31/03/2014.
Mind Map by x-iram-x, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by x-iram-x about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Psychodynamic theory
  1. FREUD
    1. Freud believed that our personality "psyche contained several parts that are constantly at war with each other
      1. Model of personality
        1. ID
          1. - Represents our basic desires - pleasure principle -includes sexual urges/dominance and aggression - part of our self we are unaware of
          2. EGO / reality principle
            1. -part of our self in touch with the outside world - part of our personality that makes decisions based on demands of the id and restriction of the superego.
            2. SUPEREGO
              1. - includes moral principle ideas of what we ought to be like - these principles are learnt from out parents and upbringing.
        2. Defence Mechanisms


          • Through defence mechanisms the psychoanalytical term of unconscious methods the ego uses to distort reality, thereby protecting it from anxiety - According to Freud, the ego has developed what he calls defence mechanisms to cover for the wild demands of the ID, which would rarely be socially acceptable
          1. Repression - blocking threatening memories from conscious mind
            1. Projection - putting feelings onto someone else.
                    1. Denial - refusing to admit something unpleasant is happening
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