Chapter 2 ; 2.1 and 2.2 part 1


Flashcards on Chapter 2 ; 2.1 and 2.2 part 1, created by Aisha Elmi on 31/01/2018.
Aisha Elmi
Flashcards by Aisha Elmi, updated more than 1 year ago
Aisha Elmi
Created by Aisha Elmi over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a microscope used for? It is used for to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
What does SEM stand for? SEM, an electron microscope stands for 'Scanning Electron Microscope'.
What does field view mean? The amount of the specimen seen through a microscope.
Whats the difference between Monocular and Binocular microscopes? The difference between these two microscopes is that the monocular has one eye piece when binocular has two eye piece.
Name me one difference between monocular/binocular microscopes and stereo microscopes each. A binocular/monocular microscope light passes through the specimen but a stereo microscope light reflect of the specimen.
One difference between SEM and TEM In SEM it gives greatly magnified views of objects(e.g. insects, leaf,surface,bacteria) but in TEM it provides a view of the inner structure of the specimen such as cell.
What is a micrometer in a metre? One millionth of a metre.
What is a stereo microscope maximum magnification? The maximum is x100.
What does elecron microscope use instead of light Instead of light they use tiny beams of electrons.
Name a part of a microscope that used to focus the image on low power? A coarse focus knob.
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