Changing Urban Environments- Issues in the CBD


A Levels Geography (GCSE) Flashcards on Changing Urban Environments- Issues in the CBD, created by beth2384 on 09/06/2013.
Flashcards by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does the CBD go through? phases of growth and decline
What type of area is a CBD? a dynamic area
What are good areas like? (3 positives) lively, smart, successful
What are the bad areas like? (3 negatives) DECAYING with CLOSED SHOPS and a RUN DOWN appearance
What shops can be found in the core? national and international chains
What does the core face increasing competition from? out-of-town shopping centres and business parks
Why are shops in the frame struggling to survive? high land values and rates
What shops can be found in the Frame? smaller more specialist shops
Which two things are more mixed in the frame? services and land uses
What two zones are there in a CBD (as well as the core and the frame)? zone of improvement and zone of decay
Where would you find a university? (frame or core) Frame
Where would you find high-rise office blocks?(frame or core) core
Where would you find theatres and cinemas?(frame or core) frame
Where would you find insurance companies and solicitors? (frame or core) Frame
Where would you find banks? (frame or core) core
What is the main target for revitalising CBDs? improving the shopping experience
How can a CBD be revitalised in terms of traffic affecting shopping? (3 things) Pedestrianise main shopping streets, separate shoppers from traffic, divert traffic onto inner ring-roads
How can a CBD be revitalised specifically for shopping? redevelop shopping core into indoor shopping centres
What are three advantages to indoor shopping? well-lit, heated, all-year protection from British weather
Who are invited into indoor shopping centres in a CBD? pre-existing big name shops and stores
Which large store was attracted to Birmingham's bull ring development? Selfridges
Name a large indoor shopping centre in the CBD where you live? St Stephens, Hull
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