Breathing and speech


Flashcards on Breathing and speech, created by Tara McLaughlin on 11/03/2018.
Tara McLaughlin
Flashcards by Tara McLaughlin, updated more than 1 year ago
Tara McLaughlin
Created by Tara McLaughlin about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What muscles are involved in elevating the soft palate? Levator veli palatini and musculus uvulae
What muscles are involved in depressing the soft palate Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus
During passive breathing is the soft palate moved posteriorly towards the pharyngeal wall or inferiorly towards the tongue on expiration? Posteriorly towards pharyngeal wall
During passive breathing is the soft palate moved posteriorly towards the pharyngeal wall or inferiorly towards the tongue in inspiration? Inferiorly towards the tongue
During nasal breathing what muscle is most active? Palatoglossus
Which muscles are most active during oral breathing? Levator veli palatini
Increased vowel articulation is seen in which palate type, flat or domed? Domed
Is the soft palate elevated during non-nasal sounds or nasal sounds Non-nasal
Is the soft palate depressed during non-nasal sounds or nasal sounds Nasal
What causes Hypernasal resonance and nasal emissions during speaking? Inadequate closure of the pharyngeal isthmus
Is the soft palate elevated more during swallowing or speech? Swallowing
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