English - Cloudstreet by Tim Winton


flashcards and notes on Author Tim Winton's Australian Novel Cloudstreet
Flashcards by mimiidruslindsey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mimiidruslindsey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cloudstreet "The Landscape may be both threatening and comforting" "..the place has been trying to itch us out..I reckon we've made our mark on it now, like it's not the house it was. We're halfway to belonging here.." "..the bloody place has got to us"
Cloudstreet Themes Making do Belonging The relationship between Family & Identity Independence Reconciliation Acceptance Nostalgia (haunted by the past) Superstition
Cloudstreet Belonging " Nineteen years, isn't it long enough to belong" When Rose is "betrayed" by Mr. Earl Grey at his reading that describes Cloudstreet (her family) as a joke, she loses the sense of belonging there. Which already had been present earlier- didn't feel like she fit in.
Cloudstreet "Spining the Knife" "The knife never lies" "Shifty Shadow" leaving things to chance & luck Lambs The change or shift in good luck or bad luck. Pickles
Cloudstreet "The Water" obsession (Fish) purity Theme throughout cold/warm, wet, blue-sad, calming & harmonious novel begins & ends by the water "And the mirror it makes."
Cloudstreet Belonging "Stickability" - the opening of the grocery shop brings the community together and a sense of belonging. Lambs but Pickles don't belong Lambs work together as a team Pickles- each to their own Rose-the only one keeping things together
Cloudstreet Nostalgia "Open another bottle" Dolly drinks to hide her hatred of her childhood where she was never wanted, loved or belonged."Shickered" Relentless issue of Fish's accident-nearly drowning in the water (Quick & Lester)
Cloudstreet Reconciliation "..steel gone.." Rose-condemns her mother makes sure that she will love & care for her children. until she discovers Dolly’s past heritage that she understands and they become reconciled. Marriage b/w Quick & Rose -brings reconciliation b/w both families, unites, creates sense of belonging
Cloudstreet Symbols "..glowing like a kids night lamp.." there is a glowing episode that symbolises the realisation and re-awakening of the depressed soul
Cloudstreet Spirits "..even the missing are there, the gone and taken are with them.."- the dead are amongst them
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