HPA - Lactulose


Flashcards on HPA - Lactulose, created by Em J on 10/06/2018.
Em J
Flashcards by Em J, updated more than 1 year ago
Em J
Created by Em J almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is it? An osmotic laxative
Trade names Actilax, Duphalac, Genlac, Lac-Dol, Lactour
Pharmacological class Glycoside
Indications Chronic constipation hyperammonemia ( caused by hepatic encephalopathy)
Action Produces an osmotic effect in colon; resulting distension promotes peristalsis. Also decreases blood ammonia level by drawing ammonia from circulation into the colon and through the GIT
Therapeutic effects Softens stools and removes ammonia from circulation
Absorption and distribution ABSORPTION: poorly absorbed by GIT DISTRIBUTION: primarily in the colon
Metabolism & excretion metabolised in the colon by enteric bacteria. Fecal excretion
Half life 1.7 - 2 hours
Precaution Contraindicated in individuals on low-galactose or lactose-free diets Use cautiously in individuals with DM Be prepared to replace fluid loss
Side effects Abdominal cramping, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration and electrolyte disturbances
Interactions Antacids, antibiotics: decreased effectiveness of lactulose. Avoid use together.
Education Instruct patient not to take other laxatives Encourage person to exercise, as tolerated Advise patient to notify prescriber if diarrhoea occurs Educate patient regarding dietary fiber Tell patient to keep up fluids
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