
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Eloise Hanslip U on 14/11/2014.
Eloise Hanslip U
Flashcards by Eloise Hanslip U, updated more than 1 year ago
Eloise Hanslip U
Created by Eloise Hanslip U over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is this? what does it do? This is the ROM holds the instructions to start up the computer
what is this? what does this do? this is the RAM stores the programs and instructions currently being used .
what is this? what does it do? This is the graphics card This card is responsible for the high quality output on the computers screen. in charge of all graphics shown on the screen or projector
what is this? what does it do? This is the mother board
what is this? what does it do? This is the CPU central processing unit it is responsible for storing all computer programs e.g Microsoft
what is this/ what does it do? sound card the purpose of the sound card is to output music and sounds a special adapter called a sound card has to be fitted to a computer
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