League Structure and Organisation


Drew Bott
Flashcards by Drew Bott, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by melgallagher about 10 years ago
Drew Bott
Copied by Drew Bott about 5 years ago

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Question Answer
What were the main aims of the League of Nations? Prevent conflict World Disarmament Collective Security (Article 10) Improve working and living conditions Encourage co-operation
Weaknesses of the league? Too Eurocentric / The most powerful countries in the world were not members e.g USA didn't want to join / Russia and Germany weren't allowed / had no standing army / Britain & France not committed (self-interest)
Why did America decide not to join the League? American Congress refused to join. US following policy of ISOLATIONISM Didn't want to get involved in other countries problems and didn't like the Treaty of Versailles.
What were the strengths of the League? Moral force of the Treaty of Versailles. At the start about 42 countries were members - rose to 59 Had mechanisms and structure (Council, Assembly, Sanctions) Mood of internationalism post WWI
What did the organisation of the League include? Assembly, Council, Permanent Court of Justice, Secretariat, Special Commissions e.g The international labour organisation, slavery commission, world health commission
What was the assembly? (Based in Geneva, Switzerland) The League’s ‘Parliament’ All Members met / once a year Could make recommendations to the council Voting system unanimous
What was the council? The Executive, decision making body / 4 permanent members (Britain, France, Italy, Japan) / 5 non permanent (elected by Assembly) Met 5 times a year and in emergencies Could initiate SANCTIONS
What was the Permanent Court of Justice? 15 international judges at The Hague (Netherlands) Could provide ARBITRATION / mediation on disputes. Weakness - rulings were not legally binding.
What was the secretariat? Worked as a 'civil service' / prepared agendas, kept records, prepared reports, translations etc Included experts on health, education, economics - to ‘advise’
What did the international labour organisation do? Worked to improve working conditions. set labour standards, developed policies and devised programmes promoting decent work ... To help avoid abuse of workers - e.g rules on child Labour
The slavery commission Defined slavery, commitment to work collectively to eradicate it by land and sea, esp. in League mandates, organise a convention (1926/27), agree ‘sanctions’ for infraction,
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