
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Heidi Barber on 05/02/2015.
Heidi  Barber
Flashcards by Heidi Barber, updated more than 1 year ago
Heidi  Barber
Created by Heidi Barber over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
WHAT SHOULD BE IN THE TREATMENT 1. A Working title 2.The writer's name and contact information 3. WGA Registration number 4. A short log line 5. Introduction to key characters 6. Who, what, when, why and where. 7. Act 1 in one to three paragraphs. Set the scene, dramatize the main conflicts. 8. Act 2 in two to six paragraphs. Should dramatize how the conflicts introduced in Act 1 lead to a crisis. 9.Act 3 in one to three paragraphs. Dramatize the final conflict and resolution.
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