Unit 01_Practice for Fluency_Chit Chat


College Languages - Unit 1: Introductory Phase (Practice for Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 01_Practice for Fluency_Chit Chat, created by SLS Indonesian on 28/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nama saya Bambang. Siapa nama Anda? My name is Bambang. What is your name?
Saya berasal dari Indonesia. Dari mana Anda berasal? I come from Indonesia. Where are you from?
Saya tinggal di Arlington. Di mana Anda tinggal? I live in Arlington. Where you do live?
Saya bekerja di Kedutaan Amerika. Di mana Anda bekerja? I work at the American Embassy. Where do you work?
Saya bekerja sebagai guru Bahasa Indonesia. Apa pekerjaan Anda? I work as an Indonesian language teacher. What is your occupation?
Saya sudah bekerja selama 10 tahun. Sudah berapa lama Anda bekerja? I have been working for 10 years. How long have you been working?
Saya sudah berkeluarga. Apa Anda sudah berkeluarga? I have a family. Do you have a family?
Nama isteri saya Santi. Siapa nama isteri Anda? My wife's name is Santi. What's your wife's name?
Saya ada 2 anak. Anda ada berapa anak? I have 2 children. How many children do you have?
Nama anak-anak saya Tono dan Tini. Siapa nama anak-anak Anda? My children's names are Tono and Tini. What are your children's names?
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