ecosystem study cards


Flashcards on ecosystem study cards, created by Benjamin Kardish on 09/06/2022.
Benjamin Kardish
Flashcards by Benjamin Kardish, updated more than 1 year ago
Benjamin Kardish
Created by Benjamin Kardish almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
abiotic any non living component of the envirement
biotic any living thing found in the envirement
biodeversity the variety of plant or animal material
carnivour an organism that eats other animals only
consumer an organism that eats other living things for energy
cycle a pattern in nature that repeats over time
decomposer an organism that consumes and breaks down dead organisms or waste matter into simple substance
detrivore an organism that feeds on largeparts of decaying plant and animal and on waste material
ecology the study of reltionship beetween organisms, and beetween organism and their envirement
ecosystems the network of interactions that link the living and the non living
endangered species species that are at risk at becomin instinct due to either reduction in numbers or an enviremental threat
food chain a sequance that shows how energy and nutrients are transfered from one organism to another
food web a model that shows how food chains in an ecosystem are connected
herbavore an organism the eats only plants
invasive species a species that has been introduced into an area where it did not exist before often reproduces so aggresively that it some of the original species
micro organism a living thing that is small and must be viewed with the help of a microscope
mutulism an iteraction beetween two species that benefit the both of them
native species species that occur naturally in a area
omnivour an organism the eats both plants and animals
photosynthesis a process by wich plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to produce sugars
predator and organism that hunts other living things
prey a animal that is hunted by a predator
producer an organism that makes its own food from non living organisms
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