Croatian_Unit 12_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 12_Day 3, created by FSI Croatian on 21/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated 9 months ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
penjati se / popeti se to climb
pretpostavljati / pretpostaviti to suppose
oprezan, oprezna cautious
usamljen, usamljena lonely
zamišljati / zamisliti to imagine
iskusan, iskusna experienced
hvaliti / pohvaliti to praise
činjenica fact
oporavljati se / oporaviti se to recover
jugonostalgija Yugo-nostalgia
stara dobra vremena good old times
opsjednut, opsjednuta obsessed
zdravstveno osiguranje medical insurance
zdravstvena skrb medical care
zanemarivati / zanemariti to neglect
zdravstvo healthcare
povlastica privilege
bolnički račun hospital bill
liječenje medical treatment
pregled doctor’s exam
preko veze through connections
nestašica shortage
doduše admittedly
uspoređivati / usporediti to compare
usput along the way
nabavljati / nabaviti to acquire
uništen , uništena destroyed
pokrivati / pokriti to cover
trošak expense
privatni tržišni model private market model
druga strana medalje other side of the coin
dogovaranje cijena price agreement
oduzimati / oduzeti to take away
natrag back, backwards
odlučiti to decide
kretati se to move
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