

Jordanian JOR_First Two Weeks Flashcards on JO_L02, created by Summar Mohamed on 26/07/2022.
Summar Mohamed
Flashcards by Summar Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
صباح الخير good morning
هذي this is
هذي جولي this is Julie
هي she
هي أمريكية she is American
من from
ولاية state
فرجينيا Virginia
...بتسكن بـ she lives in
أرلينغتون Arlington
موظفة employee
هي موظفة she is an employee
بتشتغل she works
القسم السياسي Political Section
هي دبلوماسية she isa diplomat
هي متزوجه she is married
بيتها her house
اسمي my name
...بـ at
وزارة الخارجية Department of State
بوزارة الخارجية at the Department of State
أسافر I travel
رح أسافر I will travel
...لـ to
للأردن to Jordon
رح أشتغل I will work
هناك there
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