
Jordanian JOR_RT1 (D)Tourism and Travel) Flashcards on JOR_RT1_L32, created by Summar Mohamed on 04/08/2022.
Summar Mohamed
Flashcards by Summar Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ننظّم we organize
موظفي السفارة the embassy's employees
نختار we choose
كل all
العالم the world
جميع أنحاء العالم all over the world
السياحة العلاجية medical tourism
فنادق ٥ نجوم five-star hotels
المغطس officially known as "Baptism Site" located on the East bank of the Jordan River (Al-Maghtas)
نهر river
نهر الأردن Jordan River
موقع ديني a religious site
السياحة الدينية religious tourism
معك حق You are right!
منظمة اليونسكو The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
أضافت it added (fem.)
قائمة list
التراث العالمي World Heritage
وادي رم A touristic site in the southern part of Jordan (Wadi Rum)
مخيمات camps
سهرات تراثية heritage nights
شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي Social Media networks
بيجذب it attracts (masc.)
رحلات trips
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