
Moroccan Dialect - 2 First Weeks- lesson Five
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Flashcards by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat, updated more than 1 year ago
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Created by Nargess Lakehal-Ayat over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
حتى حنا we also or we as well
زوين beautiful (masc.)
حيث because
بكري early
نخرجوا we leave
بصحتكم you enjoy (pl.)
تمشيوا you all go (pl.)
يمشي he goes
عطلة holiday
باش غادين تمشيوا؟ how are you all going? (pl.)
باش...؟ how ? or by which (means of transport)
راجلي my husband
قصبة لوداية Kasbat ludaya (a historic monument in Rabat)
أولادي my kids
خصنا we must
خصنا نخرجوا we must leave
كاين there is
ديروا you do (pl.)
غد tomorrow
كاين الزحام في الطريق traffic (there is)
نزوروا visit (we)
غادين نزوروا visit (we) (will)
حنا we
الجو weather (the)
أشنو غادين ديروا؟ What are you going to do? (pl.) (What are up to? (pl.))
أشنو؟ What?
شكون غادي يمشي؟ Who is going?
شكون؟ Who?
علاش؟ Why?
مراتي wife (my)
غاديين will you (pl.) or are you going to?
مع with
معكم with you (pl.)
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