Cell functions


A short list of functions for each cell organelle
aoife martin
Flashcards by aoife martin, updated more than 1 year ago
aoife martin
Created by aoife martin over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
NUCLEUS functions Store cells DNA Control cell division Controls what substances pass in and out of the cell
MITOCHONDRIA functions ATP production Cellular respiration (controlled by enzymes) Stem cell regulation
CYTOPLASM functions CELL PROCESSES: protein synthesis glycolysis (cell respiration) mitosis and meiosis (cell division)
CELL MEMBRANE functions Control what comes in and out of the cell i.e allow oxygen, disallow toxins SELECTIVELY PERMIABLE BARRIER
RIBOSOMES function Protein synthesis Important in growth and repair
CENTRIOLES function Help determine locations of organelles i.e nucleus Microtubules in cell division
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) function Making cell proteins Acts as a temporary storage area
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) function Metabolise lipids and fats
LYSOSOMES function Degrade material from the outside Digest material from within the cell (digestive enzymes)
GOLGI APPERATUS function Produces lysosomes Helps process & package proteins Package lipid molecules Makes vesicles
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