Importance of being Earnest - quotes


Flashcards on Importance of being Earnest - quotes, created by laurahonor on 19/01/2016.
Flashcards by laurahonor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurahonor over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
___________ are made in heaven Divorces Who? Algernon Theme? Marriage
When one is placed in the position of ___________, one has to _______ a very high moral tone. guardian, adopt Who? Jack Theme? social propriety
In ___________ _____ three is company, two is none. married life Who? Algernon Theme? Marriage/morals
My _______ has always been to love someone by the name of Earnest. ideal Who? Gwendolyn Theme? Marriage
If the lower orders don't _____ __ __ good example, what on earth is the use of them? They seem as a ______ to have absolutely no sense of ________ _______________. set us a, class, moral responsibility Who? Algernon Theme? Hierarchy/social class
When you are ____________ to someone, your father or I will inform you of the fact. engaged Who? Lady Bracknell Theme? Marriage
Ignorance is like a _________ _______ _______; touch it and the bloom is gone. delicate exotic fruit Who? Lady Bracknell Theme? Social Propriety
To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a _____________. To lose both looks like ______________. misfortune, carelessness Who? Lady Bracknell Theme? Social roles
_____ ___________ is a short-sighted old lady. Miss Prism Who? Algernon Theme? Social propriety
Your duty as a __________________ calls you back. gentleman Who? Jack Theme? Social propriety
My duty as a gentleman has never ____________ with my _____________ in the smallest degree. interfered, pleasure Who? Algernon Theme? Social propriety
As a man _______, so may he ______. sows, reap Who? Miss Prism Theme? Consequence
I hope you're not living a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. that would be _______________. hypocrisy Who? Cecily Theme? Alter-egos/deception/truth&lies
The _______ isn't the sort of thing one tells to a nice, _____ ___________ girl. truth, sweet refined Who? Jack Theme? Alter-egos/deception/truth&lies
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