Processor (CPU)


Processor Revition card for IT GCSE 2016.
Rhiannon Hayward
Flashcards by Rhiannon Hayward, updated more than 1 year ago
Rhiannon Hayward
Created by Rhiannon Hayward about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PROCESSOR (CPU) The 'Brain' of the computer. Carries out all the calculating and processing (measured in gigahertz (GHz)).
Memory (RAM) RAM is temporery memory on a computer that helps record limited information and save data. The bigger the RAM the more windows you can open, the faster they'll respond and the faster and stronger the graphics processor and video processor will run/will be.
Hard Drive The Hard Drive isa the Primary Storage of the computer files (i.e. documents, photos System 32) and where they can be retrived from. The size of the Hard Drive is measured in gigabytes (bytes). Naturally, the bigger the Hard Drive the more data can be stored.
USB (and USB Cnnection) USB Connecton is the most comman method of connecting a Peripherals to a computer. It only works if the computer had USB ports.
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