Assignment 5 Update (Ch. 7 & 8, LS 5 & 16)


Flashcards on Assignment 5 Update (Ch. 7 & 8, LS 5 & 16), created by casedlynch on 30/04/2014.
Flashcards by casedlynch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by casedlynch about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Directing financial assistance because of underproduction leads to a decrease in price and an increase in quantity supplied
market failure is the result of goods that have non rival and non excludable characteristics and goods that have external effects
a public good is non rival and non excludable
the us border patrol. public or private good? public
satellite tv. public or private good? private
When negative externalities exist equilibrium output will be greater than efficient output
The government could correct the difference between the equilibrium output level and the efficient output level by using a regulation that requires firms to internalize the external costs.
Correction for a negative externality tax
correction for a positive externality subsidy
The personal income tax is the most important source of revenue at The federal level
A progressive tax is one in which the average rate increases as income increases
A regressive tax is one in which the average rate decreases as income increases
A proportional tax is one in which the average rate is constant as income increases
a 4 percent general sales tax is regressive and the incident is on the consumer
the efficiency loss of a tax is the net benefit society gives up because too little of a product is produced
Does a progressive tax system by itself guarantee that resources will be redistributed from the rich to the poor? no
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