
concepts of translation procedures, strategies, methods and translation techniques as a pedagogical resource in learning and teaching a foreign language
Mind Map by NATALIA LEIVA TRUJILLO, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by NATALIA LEIVA TRUJILLO over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Translation procedures, strategies and methods
    1. Technical procedures
      1. analysis
        1. study of Text
          1. semantic and syntactic
          2. Organizational procedures
            1. Krings (1986:18) defines translation strategy as "translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task,"
              1. Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers strategy as, "a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information."
              2. Newmark (1988b) methods of translation
                1. Word-for-word translation
                  1. Literal translation
                    1. Faithful translation
                      1. Semantic translation
                        1. Adaptation
                          1. Free translation
                            1. Idiomatic translation
                              1. Communicative translation
                              2. Procedures of translating
                                1. Making up a new word
                                  1. Explaining the meaning
                                    1. Preserving the SL term intact.
                                      1. Opting for a word in the TL
                                      2. Harvey (2000:2-6)techniques for translating
                                        1. Functional Equivalence
                                          1. Formal Equivalence or 'linguistic equivalence
                                            1. Transcription or 'borrowing'
                                              1. Descriptive or self-explanatory translation
                                              2. translation procedures that Newmark (1988b)
                                                1. Transference
                                                  1. Cultural equivalent
                                                    1. Descriptive equivalent
                                                      1. Synonymy
                                                        1. Shifts or transpositions
                                                          1. Recognized translation
                                                            1. Paraphrase
                                                              1. Notes
                                                  2. Naturalization
                                                    1. Functional equivalent
                                                      1. Componential analysis
                                                        1. Through-translation
                                                          1. Modulation
                                                            1. Compensation
                                                              1. Couplets
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