concept of ownership


this is a map for understanding the concept of ownership in jurisprudence for all the people related to the field of law or who wants to know legal concepts.
pooja rai
Mind Map by pooja rai, updated more than 1 year ago
pooja rai
Created by pooja rai over 6 years ago

Resource summary

concept of ownership
  1. Austin
    1. relation between person and thing
    2. Salmond
      1. relation between person and right vested in him
      2. right of ownership-corporeal
        1. ownership of right-incorporeal
          1. modes of aquisition of ownership
            1. original
              1. absolute-adverse and acessory
              2. derivative
              3. types of ownership
                1. corporeal and incorporeal
                  1. trust and beneficiary
                    1. legal and equitable
                      1. vested and contingent
                        1. condition precedent and subsequent
                          1. co-ownership and joint ownership
                            1. sole ownership-o-ownership
                              1. absolute and limited
                              2. essentials
                                1. Indefinite in the point of user
                                  1. interest of the owner is perpetual
                                    1. unrestricted in point of disposition
                                      1. right to possession
                                        1. right to exhaust the thing
                                          1. it has a residuary character
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