Local Marketing


Effective local marketing requires identifying and leveraging multiple communications channels, and making business adjustments that will meet the needs of the neighborhood. A good marketing program develops both the communications and management skills you’ll need to do that.
Mileika Martínez
Mind Map by Mileika Martínez, updated more than 1 year ago
Mileika Martínez
Created by Mileika Martínez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Local Marketing
  1. Local marketing referred to as local store marketing or neighborhood marketing—specifically targets the community around a physical store.
    1. Local marketing—also referred to as local store marketing or neighborhood marketing—specifically targets the community around a physical store.
      1. In practice, local marketing can take several forms. Many local businesses directly contact consumers through mail, in-town events, local team sponsorships, or advertisements in the town paper.
        1. Local marketing allows a company to develop a repeat customer base in the immediate vicinity of the business's location. The standard radius of influence is about 10 miles.
          1. Local marketing campaigns may use a number of different strategies in order to build awareness within a neighborhood, often beginning with simple direct mailings featuring coupons or upcoming sales.
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