Opposite prepositions - tell a story


Mind Map on Opposite prepositions - tell a story, created by Dimi Martins on 02/09/2014.
Dimi Martins
Mind Map by Dimi Martins, updated more than 1 year ago
Dimi Martins
Created by Dimi Martins over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Opposite prepositions - tell a story
  1. grab - book
    1. ____ my way to ________
      1. a gust of wind
        1. skullcap
          1. a small round cap worn on top of the head, especially by male Jews and Catholic bishops, cardinals, etc
        2. someone knocked the glass of water - hand
          1. You are at a park and there is a concert happening. You don’t want to walk through the park because you will disturb the show
            1. I decided to walk ........the concert
            2. stroll ______ cinema
              1. I’m driving my car, asking for directions
                1. go
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