environmental issues by nils mattias


this is for school purposes only
Mind Map by nilsmattias, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nilsmattias over 9 years ago

Resource summary

environmental issues by nils mattias
  1. global warming
    1. rising sea level
      1. natural habitats destroyed
        1. deforestation
          1. less bidiversity
        2. deforestation
          1. ozone depletion
            1. uv rays
              1. death for alot of people
            2. pollution
              1. air pollution
                1. death for alot of people
                  1. acid rain
                  2. water pollution
                    1. ocean acidification
                      1. acid rain
                        1. water crisis
                          1. less drinkable water
                            1. death for alot of people
                          2. less marine life
                            1. less food
                      2. overfishing
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