ab initio classes


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Sarah Gunter
Mind Map by Sarah Gunter, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Gunter
Created by Sarah Gunter almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

ab initio classes
  1. unit 1. What is an IB DP student. Work on the attributes


    • 1. What are the attributes and what does each mean? 2. How can these be translated into real life objectives for me in my classes and life in general?3. What am I missing to achieve my full potential?4. How long will it take me?5. What is the immediate objective I have to work on?6. Long term aims?
    1. Attributes


      1. Task 1


        • Research what each of them means and share with the class. *Make sure you notice the characteristics of each and its manifestations in a person's character.
        1. Task 2


          • With which ones do you identify? Did you acquire this attribute growing up, unconsciously, or do you think you have worked to achieve it?Which ones do you have to work on?
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