Sudden onset of weakness (Stroke)


Mind Map on Sudden onset of weakness (Stroke), created by mohammed mansour on 13/10/2018.
mohammed mansour
Mind Map by mohammed mansour, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Created by mohammed mansour over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Sudden onset of weakness (Stroke)
  1. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
    1. stroke-like symptoms but its symptoms appear and last less than 24 hours before disappearing. It generally does not cause permanent brain damage.
    2. Blood supply of the brain
      1. ACA
        1. MCA
          1. PCA
          2. Nerve Supply of the Face
            1. Sensory
              1. Motor
                1. Why was the drooping of the face more pronounced in the lower part ???
                2. Types of stroke
                  1. Ischemic stroke
                    1. 1-Thrombosis 2-Embolism 3-Systemic hypoperfusion 4-Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
                    2. Hemorrhagic stroke
                      1. 1-Cerebral amyloid angiopathy  2-Cerebral arteriovenous malformation  3-Intracranial aneurysm
                    3. Imaging
                      1. Management of stroke
                        1. Complications
                          1. Speech disorders
                            1. Dysarthria
                              1. weakness or slowness of speech.
                              2. Apraxia
                                1. loss of the ability to make the voice, lips, and tongue work together in the coordinated way .
                              3. Cerebral swelling, Increased intracranial pressure, Seizures, hemiparesis, complication as a result of immobility.
                              4. Risk factors
                                1. Women, Age, Black, Prior stroke
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