
Mind Map on RAM & ROM, created by Bradley Elliott on 03/11/2014.
Bradley Elliott
Mind Map by Bradley Elliott, updated more than 1 year ago
Bradley Elliott
Created by Bradley Elliott over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. RAM: Random Access Memory
    1. Purpose Of RAM: The RAM doesn't keep the files and documents in the computer so when you turn it off the computer your files you saved in the RAM are gone.
      1. What Is Stored: Where programs, applications & Data.
        1. Can You Change: Yes because it needs to change the programs and applications etc.
        2. ROM: Read Only Memory
          1. Purpose Of ROM: The ROM keeps the files and documents you save into it. So it does the opposite of the RAM.
            1. What Is Stored: ROM stores the instructions.
              1. Can You Change: No because it is a read only memory. So the instructions have to stay the same.
              2. Volatile: Means it loses its memory.
                1. Non: Means when it doesn't lose its memory.
                  1. Non-Volatile: Is the ROM
                  2. Volatile: Is the RAM.
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