Ram and Rom


Mind Map on Ram and Rom, created by Courtney Broom on 03/11/2014.
Courtney Broom
Mind Map by Courtney Broom, updated more than 1 year ago
Courtney Broom
Created by Courtney Broom over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Ram and Rom
  1. Ram stands for Random Access Memory
    1. Rom stands for Read Only memory.
      1. The purpose of Ram is to store loaded programs and the data programs use.
        1. The purpose of Rom is to store small programs that will never change.
          1. Volatile means that it needs power to be able to run such as a RAM drive.
            1. Non-volatile means that it doesn't need power to run.
              1. The thing that is stored in the Ram is to hold all of the open programs and also to hold the instructions that are put in to the computer until the computer can do them.
                1. The thing that is stored in the Rom is that it needs to store all of the data inside of the computer.
                  1. You can not change what is stored in the RAM because once you have gave it an instruction then you cant change that.
                    1. You can change what is stored in the Rom because you can delete data rthat you do not want anymore.
                      1. This is a RAM
                        1. This is a ROM.

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