Nitrogenous Wastes


Biology Zoology - Exam 3: Body Systems (Lecture 15: Osmoregulation and Excretion) Mind Map on Nitrogenous Wastes, created by augusteramos on 10/11/2014.
Mind Map by augusteramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by augusteramos over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Nitrogenous Wastes
  1. Ammonia
    1. Extremely toxic; requires vast amounts of water to dilute
      1. Low cost of energy; mostly excreted by aquatic animals
      2. Urea
        1. Lower toxicity; NH4 + CO2 in the liver
          1. Energetically costly
          2. Uric Acid
            1. Much lower toxicity; NH4 bound in a heterocyclic compound
              1. High energetic cost; semi-water soluble - semi-solid paste
              2. Wastes resulting from the breakdown of Proteins and Nucleic Acids to form nitrogenous wastes and amino acids
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