Forcasting cash flow


Mind Map on Forcasting cash flow, created by 281099ka on 21/11/2014.
Mind Map by 281099ka, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 281099ka over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Forcasting cash flow
  1. Cash - notes,coins and money in the bank.
    1. Cash flow - the flow of cash into and out of a business
      1. Inflow- the cash into a business, its reciepts.
        1. Outflow - the cash flowing out of a busines, its payments.
          1. Net flow - the reciepts of a business minus its payments.
            1. Insolvency - when a business can no longer pay its debts.
              1. Cash flow forecast - a prediction of how cash will flow through a bsuiness in a a period of timein future.
                1. Opening balance - the amount of money in a business at the start of a month.
                  1. Closing balance - the amount of money in a business at the end of he month.
                    1. Cumulative cashflow - the sum of cash that flows into a business over time.
                      1. Trade credit - when a supplier gives a customer a period of time to pay a bill (or invoice) for goods and sevices once they have been delivered.
                        1. Stocks - materials that a business holds. Some could be matrials waiting to be used in a production process and some could be finished stock waiting to be dilivered to customers.
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