Cells and Simple Cell Transport


Mind Map on Cells and Simple Cell Transport, created by serinatatham on 30/11/2014.
Mind Map by serinatatham, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by serinatatham over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cells and Simple Cell Transport
  1. Animal Cells
    1. Vacuole
      1. Mitochondrion
        1. Ribosome
          1. Cytoplasm
            1. Nucleus
              1. Cell Membrane
              2. Plant Cells
                1. Ribosome
                  1. produces proteins
                  2. Mitochondrion
                    1. breaks down sugar molecules into energy
                    2. Cell Wall
                      1. support, protect, allow gasses to pass in and out
                      2. Cell Membrane
                        1. support, protect, controls movement of materials in and out
                        2. Nucleus
                          1. controls cell activities
                          2. Cytoplasm
                            1. supports/protects
                            2. Vacuole
                              1. stores food, water, waste
                              2. Chloroplast
                                1. photosynethesis
                              3. Bacterium
                                1. Yeast
                                  1. cytoplasm
                                    1. vacuole
                                      1. cell wall
                                        1. mitochondrion
                                          1. cell membrane
                                            1. cytoplasm
                                              1. vacuole
                                              2. Diffusion
                                                1. Diffusion is the random movement of particles from an area where they are at a high concentration to an area where they are at a lower concentration
                                                  1. Net movement of particles from that area
                                                    1. Rate is faster when concentration gradient is bigger and in gases
                                                    2. Tissues
                                                      1. Tissues
                                                        1. A group of cells that have a similar structure and function
                                                          1. muscle tissue
                                                            1. contracts so we can move
                                                            2. glandular tissue
                                                              1. produces substances eg. enzymes and hormones
                                                              2. epithelial tissue
                                                                1. covers organs
                                                                2. Large multi-cellular organisms
                                                                  1. cells differentiate so can carry out different jobs
                                                                    1. epidermal
                                                                      1. covers plant
                                                                      2. mesophyll
                                                                        1. photosynthesis takes place
                                                                        2. xylem & phloem
                                                                          1. transport substances around plant
                                                                      3. Organs
                                                                        1. made of tissues
                                                                          1. organ systems are groups of organs that carry out a particular function
                                                                            1. Plants
                                                                              1. roots
                                                                                1. stems
                                                                                  1. leaves
                                                                                    1. photosynthesis

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