Fresh Produce Requires Many Food Miles


Mind Map on Fresh Produce Requires Many Food Miles, created by Sam Etchells on 23/06/2019.
Sam Etchells
Mind Map by Sam Etchells, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Etchells
Created by Sam Etchells almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Fresh Produce Requires Many Food Miles
  1. Solutions:
    1. Growing at Home
    2. Materials
      1. Bio-degradeable
        1. Food Safe
          1. Sealed Woods?
            1. Waterproofing
            2. Environment
              1. Inside
                1. Outside
                  1. Small apartments
                    1. Homes with or without a graden
                    2. Functionality
                      1. Wifi?
                        1. Raspberry Pi
                        2. Alert based system
                          1. Alerts when growing is complete
                          2. Water supply
                            1. Rain water
                              1. Tap water
                                1. Multi Function
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